Wrap around Care
Breakfast Club
St Bede's offer breakfast club to all children. This starts at 8am and currently cost 25p per day per child and needs to be booked through the School Money app. Children are offered breakfast which includes fruit juice and a choice of Bagel, porridge or cereal. there are also a range of activities for children to engage with before they are taken to their classes Children in Nursery and Reception attend breakfast club within the EYFS Unit and can be dropped off at the Nursery gate. Children in Y1 - Y6 attend breakfast club in the school hall and can be dropped off at the hall door.
After School Club
St Bede's after school club runs everyday between 3.15pm and 5.30pm. It is open for children from Reception to Year 6. Children are offered time to complete any homework and reading they have and then there are a range of additional activities everyday. Weather permitting children also get to play outside and access the garden area as well. On occasions children will access opportunities to bake and access other after school clubs that are taking place in school.
The cost of after school club is £7.50 per child which covers the full time up until 5.30pm and a light meal for all children who attend. We offer a range of different food over the week. Spaces are limited and so must be booked prior to attendance through the School Money app.