For our children to get the most out of school we need to promote order, good behaviour and high expectations.
Children must learn to respect each other, the people they work with and the school property.
Children learn the need for cooperation, tolerance and understanding and the need to communicate their feelings.
We will achieve best results by having a particular emphasis on rewards and praise. It is important that all adults aim at motivating our children to better behaviour by commending and rewarding their successes. We are a “high warmth, low criticism” staff who recognise the importance of positive, supportive and trusting relationship.
Rewards are only effective if most children are getting them regularly.
At St Bede’s we use;
- Verbal praise and personal feedback on behaviour and engagement using emotion Coaching strategies.
- House Points - Every child at St Bede’s belongs to a house group, St Augustine’s, St Columba’s, St Cuthbert’s and St Edmunds. The children can earn house points for improvement and challenging themselves, demonstrating the school’s values and for good sportsmanship and team work. Every child on the Green Door at the end of the day receives a House point. The house points are counted weekly and then celebrated in assembly for the winning team that week. The winning house gets a reward each half term – none uniform day/ extra playtime / enrichment activities.
- Sharing work with other teachers, the senior leaders and the headteacher
- Achievement assembly certificates - Every week children from each class receive Values Awards and Work Certificates.
- Good Work and Kindness Trophies awarded in class assemblies. Parents are invited to this assembly.
- Postcard home.
The Three Doors Approach
Each class has 3 doors, Green, Yellow and Red. Each class also displays the Zones of regulation which these coloured doors represent.
- Children who are showing positive and appropriate behaviours stay on the green door. These children are open to opportunities, learning, privileges and rewards.
- If children need a polite request from an adult to change their behaviour they go onto the yellow door to think, reflect and review their behaviour. – Emotion coaching strategies.
- If children do not change their behaviour they move to the red door which requires them to act on their behaviour and make a change – limited attention is given, only to give advice and choices and reflect feelings.
Children on the Green Door at the end of the day are rewarded with a house point.
Staff will use the emotion coaching circles to judge how to support children with their behaviours at different times.
When a child has broken a rule or a value staff will always ask “what value/rule have you broken?” rather than tell the child what they have done wrong. This supports children in developing a sense of consequence and accountability.
Detention will be awarded at time when children need to recognise actions have consequences. During this time children will be supported to reflect on their actions and work through a restorative conversation.
- Parents will receive a text message to let them know their child has received a detention. Please follow this up with your child with a discussion at home.