Year 6
Welcome to the Year 6 homepage! Myself, Mrs Abba, Mrs Pearson and Mrs Rothery would like to welcome the children back to school after the Christmas holidays. We have a very busy term ahead of us as the children continue their final year at St Bede's!
Key dates this term
- Tuesday 14th January - Year 6 act of worship
- Tuesday 28th January - Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime
- Thursday 6th February - Film night
- Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February - Half Term
- Monday 3rd March & Tuesday 4th March - Parents evening
- Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
- Tuesday 1st April - Spring Music Concert
- Thursday 3rd April - Y5 Easter Service in Church
Our PE day this term will be a Wednesday. Please can PE kits be brought into school on a Monday and left in school all week, before being taken home on a Friday.
Homework will be set every Wednesday, and the children will have a full week in which to complete their homework. Homework tasks will alternate between maths (either assigned activities on Mathletics or sheets printed to complete) and reading challenges. For additional practice, the children are advised to read at home for 15 minutes per day to develop their reading fluency and comprehension skills. What they have read should be recorded in their reading record daily. Children are also advised to achieve their target of 1,000 Mathletics points per week if they have not already done so through assigned tasks.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message on Seesaw!