Year 1

My name is Miss Doran and I am the class teacher for Year 1 here at St Bede's, here is a little bit of information about our class!

Key Dates this term

  • Tuesday 28th January - Jack and the Beanstalk Panto
  • Friday 31st January 2:30 - 3:15 - Art Open Afternoon
  • Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February - February Half Term 
  • Monday 3rd March & Tuesday 4th March - Parents Evening 
  • Thursday 6th March - World Book Day 
  • Tuesday 11th March - Y1 Act of Worship 
  • Tuesday 1st April 9:15 - Spring Music Concert 
  • Thursday 3rd April 2:15 - Easter Service in Church 

Our PE day this half term is on a Friday. Please can your child come into school wearing their kit and have their uniform in their bag to get changed into. Clothing the children should wear are, a white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings and trainers please. 

Reading is super important in Year 1, we ask that you read with your child every night at home. This is such a vital year and lots of progress is made, especially with reading. Reading books are being sent home with those who have a reading folder. If you don't have a reading folder and would like to purchase one then please speak to Mrs Palmer in the office. We send reading books home with a yellow reading record for you to add a comment at home, and aim to change books on a Wednesday ready to send home on Friday. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at: or send me a message on seesaw!


Miss R DoranMiss R Doran
Class Teacher

Miss F WilsonMiss F Wilson
Learning Support Assistant

Miss E MetcalfeMiss E Metcalfe
Learning Support Assistant

Miss R DevlinMiss R Devlin
Learning Support Assistant
