Our Writing Curriculum at St Bede's
As a school we aim to help all children develop into confident and successful writers. Across school we use Oak Academy to support progressive teaching and learning in writing. Through careful planning we ensure that children access a range of different writing genres and have opportunities to practise, apply and extend their writing skills as they move through school.
How to Help at Home
Please click HERE for useful information for parents about things you can do at home to support your children in becoming a better writer.
The Writing Process
At St Bede's we believe for children to be successful in writing they must follow a four step process to create a piece of writing. Therefore we ensure that every unit of work within writing follows this process. Alongside this children access daily phonics, spelling, SPAG and handwriting work to ensure they have good underlying skills to enable them to write well.
Curriculum Coverage 2024 - 2025
Our writing curriculum has been carefully mapped out to ensure children experiences the full range of writing genres but also have opportunities to revisits, applying and extend their writing skills and knowledge as they progress through school.